Too Far to See? Not Really! --- Pedestrian Detection with Scale-aware Localization Policy
Multivariate Regression with Gross Errors on Manifold-valued Data
Pose Estimation, Tracking, and Action Recognition of Articulated Object on Lie Groups
Hand Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images
, as well as
In-house Hand Depth Image Dataset and Online Performance Evaluation
Rodent Pose Estimation from Depth Images
Action Recognition and Detection from Videos (e.g.
hand actions
complex activities
Segmentation and Tracing of Filamentary Structured Objects (e.g. Neurites, Retinal Vessels)
Transduction on Directed Graphs via Absorbing Random Walks
, and
Generating Filamentary Structured Images
Learning to segment microscopic images
Recognizing Flu-like symptoms from videos
Realtime Discriminative Background Subtraction