this paper, we investigate the nonlinear dynamic behavior of TPP (thiamine
pyrophosphate) riboswitches in E. coli (Escherichia coli). TPP riboswitches are
highly conserved RNA regulatory elements, embedded within the 5' untranslated
region of three TPP biosynthesis operons. The three operons thiCEFSGH, thiMD,
and thiBPQ are involved in the biosynthesis, salvage, and transport of TPP,
respectively. TPP riboswitches modulate their expressions in response to
changing TPP concentration, without involving protein cofactors. Interestingly,
the expression of thiMD is regulated at the translational level, while that of
thiCEFSGH at both levels of transcription and translation. We develop a
mathematical model of the TPP riboswitch’s regulatory system possessed by
thiCEFSGH and thiMD, so as to simulate the time-course experiments of TPP
biosynthesis in E. coli. The simulation results are validated against three sets
of reported experimental data in order to gain insight into the nature of steady
states and the stability of TPP riboswitches, and to explain the biological
significance of regulating at level of transcription or translation, or even
both. Our findings suggest that in the TPP biosynthesis pathway of E. coli, the
biological effect of down-regulating thiCEFSGH operon at the translational level
by TPP riboswitch is less prominent than that at the transcriptional
riboswitches; RNA; gene
regulation; nonlinear, deterministic;
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